Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Three Most Overused Movie Quotes of the Social Media Age

It's not going to be hipster enough when you took a filtered photo on Instagram and you didn't include the right caption. This is the two quotes that must die because it's waaaaaay too overused.

"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it."
Andrew Clark (Emilio Estevez), The Breakfast Club (1985)

And then insert some party photos with friends or just photos together with your friends. Bottomline, this is the ultimate weird/unique friendship quote. Seriously. Stop. However, noting that this film is from the 1980s it's pretty awesome for this quote to have a lifetime this long and is used by teenagers. But still, stop.

The next two is a combo from The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012). That friendship movie where a regular guy befriends Emma Watson and a super awesome, cool gay guy. You know, right? Even if you don't know, you'd know these quotes. Wallflower might not win any major awards but it sure is a teen-cult hyper-quotable film.

"We accept the love we think we deserve."
Mr. Anderson (Paul Rudd), The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)

Feel like hiding your true love life behind a quote? Then that quote above is definitely for you. Either for you who's in a relationship with the wrong person, or for you who's still not in one. Ultimate heartbreak quote.


"..and in this moment, I swear we are infinite."
Charlie (Logan Lerman), The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)

Or usually paraphrased as, 'the only quote you can think of when you want to talk about a lasting  relationship'. Scratch that Breakfast Club quote, this IS the ultimate friendship quote. Fuck, stop already. You're not even using the whole sentence!

There are tons of other quotes but these three are the one I'm already sick of reading. So, stop. For your good and for others' too. But if you have other quote in mind that you're already sick of, don't hesitate to shout them out in the comments. I'll add em to this post later on.

For music, "first lemme take a selfie" is the biggest offender. I have never even heard the song. Call me anti-mainstream or lacking in social interaction but, no, I have no intention in hearing a song about talking a selfie.

Sorry for this sudden, unexpected ranting post. But we're still on for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 review later this week!

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